vin. mart. 28th, 2025


One of our biggest challenges in the 21st century is to learn how to deal with our differences and to live together as a society. That is the reason why we had the idea of this international youth project, which could help us move forward towards this goal. With our youth exchange called “Beyond Labels”, we would like to help to achieve a common goal with those youngsters who are willing to examine their attitudes and learn how society works in our everyday life. Our aim is to encourage these young people to learn to realize and respect differences because that is a more efficient way of learning from each other. We will discuss how stereotypes can influence our social relationships. We aim to expand participants’ knowledge in the area of social minorities, gender roles and LGBTQI+ topics, as well. Furthermore, some activities will work on the topic of sexual education and mental health. We would like to provide a chance for our participants to widen their horizons and to think about their role in society. Through their own and each other’s experiences, they will be able to feel more responsible and be an active citizen of Europe.

Feedback of participants:

“For me, ‘Beyond Labels’ was my first Erasmus + experience and I loved it! Starting with the trip to Bremen, I really enjoyed traveling with the other participants. Since we got there, things have been going very fast, we have managed to get to know each other (45 new people) from day one. I didn’t know what to expect, but since I started my activities, I felt more confident and it was very interesting for me to see that the people around me agreed with my ideas. I gathered a lot of knowledge about some topics that I never thought about. I am so drawn to these activities now that an Erasmus + program can offer them from morning till the end of the day. On cultural nights, I had enough time to talk to everyone involved there and find common passions, share life experiences, debate ideas for the future, or just have fun and make good, healthy friends. I will be happy to participate in an Erasmus + project again, to experience different cultures again, to meet more people to talk to, and to continually interact and develop. I told all my friends about Erasmus + and encouraged them to apply for future programs because they would not regret it at all. » Participant, Adrian-Nicolae Crivat

“This project has completely exceeded all expectations. It was amazing to have the opportunity to meet new people from different countries that I have never had the chance to visit and feel so connected to. I learned a lot of new things like information about their countries, culture, tradition, new words in different languages ​​because I have a passion for foreign languages ​​and I had the chance to talk to native speakers, but I also learned new things about me. This project helped me to become a better version of myself and for that I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this happen. It was the best experience of my life and I recommend it to everyone! » Participant, Maria-Andreea Nicolau

«The Beyond Labels Erasmus + project was a unique experience, which taught me a lot about myself, but also gave me the opportunity to learn about important topics for the society in which I live. During the project, I learned that it is important to express your opinion, to defend yourself and others, and to work hard for the things you believe in. I had the chance to explore and develop my public speaking and organizing skills by taking part in the workshops included in the project. Another part of the project that inspired me was the way I felt listening to other people’s experiences and learning from each other. I had the chance to talk to almost everyone included in the project and just talking we exchanged views and things that matter to us. I think learning from each other was the best part of the project. The organizing team was exceptional. They broke down the barrier between the organizers and the participants and were extremely attentive and involved in creating a great Erasmus + experience. But, as a Romanian saying goes, there is always room for improvement, so the two things I would improve would be to insist on punctuality, respectively, to respect it and to send the program for this project earlier. That being said, my first Erasmus + experience earned me a place in my heart and mind and made me want to join more projects. » Participant, Adriana-Valentina Balaceanu

“The Erasmus + Beyond Labels project has exceeded my expectations. Being my first project, I never imagined that I would have so much fun with people I had never met before. The whole experience gave me the opportunity to develop as a person, to become more aware of the needs of society in order to later create a friendly world in which to live. I was surrounded by wonderful people with whom I shared interesting ideas and opinions without being judged. Moreover, it helped me to overcome my fear of public speaking due to our mini-projects and group activities. During the meals, we talked a lot and had fun with great stories, which I think made this trip special. Also, the food was very tasty, congratulations on this !!! I am so grateful and happy that I was able to attend and make so many new friends. I hope to see everyone again in other projects! ” Participant, Lavinia-Teodora Liscan

“This is my first Erasmus + project and clearly not the last! I met great people, the topics I addressed are current: discrimination, the LGBT community, gender equality and even sex education. I was completely out of my comfort zone when I started debating those topics. Nobody judges anyone and we have made beautiful connections that I am sure will last. I can’t believe the project is over and time has passed so quickly! That place made me forget about stress and worries at home. It’s wonderful that in so few days I’ve been able to get so attached to people, and leaving has caused a stomach upset. Through everything we have achieved there as a group, as a Romanian team, I feel that we have managed to promote our culture properly. So, overall, it is an experience that I would repeat, I do not regret anything I did there and I will definitely go to other Erasmus + projects in the future! ” Participant, Cristian-George Serbanescu

After participating in the “Beyond Labels” project, I gained a lot of knowledge and experience in Erasmus +. At first I was a little restrained and I had emotions because I didn’t know what was waiting for me, but there I adapted quite quickly and I enjoyed everything that Erasmus + offered me. It was an honor for me to meet so many people from all over the world, to socialize with people from other countries, to learn from them about their country of origin, their religions, their traditions, their customs and their life experiences. At the same time, I learned to respect and accept all people and not judge by “etiquette.” I also had the opportunity to travel by plane and I really liked it. After this experience, my appetite for travel has opened up and I would like to visit as many countries as possible. It was an experience I will never forget and from which I learned only beautiful things. ” Participant, Ramona-Stefania Crivat

“This first Erasmus + experience was wonderful, as such an experience offers new opportunities to improve students’ professional and personal skills. I also liked the participants I met in this project, the openness, the sincerity, the seriousness and the interest they showed in carrying out the workshops and daily activities. The theme of the “Beyond Labels” project offered the opportunity to get to know better the young people who are concerned and involved in the needs and problems that the current society is facing. This experience contributed both to the personal development of each participant and to the enrichment of the linguistic baggage through the use of languages ​​other than the mother tongue. The short visit to the city of Bremen was a cultural delight, but also a traditional one given the time of year, the approach of the winter holidays. The opportunity to represent my country in such a project was unique and I want to repeat this experience on another occasion. I urge all young people to participate in such projects because they will certainly have a unique experience. » Prof. Cristina-Lorelay Martin

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