mie. mart. 26th, 2025


Euro Education Federation operates as a federation with a private and particular services and activities for youth and non-formal education system in the world.
Euro Education Federation contribute to the personal development of young people by encouraging them to participate in the project as volunteers. In this regard, increase community involvement in the education of young people on a voluntary basis.

Main projects are:


Our activities include:
-Courses for implementing the peer training on topics such as volunteering, project management, human rights, social rights;
Manifestation involving children and young people to develop their creativity and innovation through IT knowledge.
Facilitating self-determined action and organized themselves in ways of life for children and youth with special attention to the socially disadvantaged who can express themselves in IT
-To Promote the democratic participation of youth in decision-making and creative artistic development by facilitating technological themes and subjects that express their values;
• Encouraging young people to engage in civil society activities and promote the building of a tolerant society, democratic and non-violent expression and awareness through the use of the Internet;
-Colaboration with companies / IT clubs in the country and abroad, such as schools and children’s palaces;
-Creation A learning environment that increases the mobility of young people, which in turn can support the learning of other young people from youth organizations.
-SustainYoung ideas about IT issues specific to their projects and to assist them in finding funding for these projects;
– Develop the ability to communicate via IT and socializing in this regard;
– Stimulating the interest and motivation for practicing and developing technical capacities of programming;
– Education of positive willingness and character IT;
– Developing competitive feeling of self-affirmation and cooperation in space with group members;
– Promoting friendship and cooperation among children by conducting educational activities among members of partner institutions;
– Stimulate and promote creative capabilities of students by organizing competitions;
– Develop existing partnerships and addressing others;
– Young people accept and respect other cultures (intercultural interaction through participation in events);
– Young people to realize the importance of non-formal education methods (involving non-formal education: examples of IT-related education);

Roles persons organization are:
-Choose And prepares participants for their active participation in the project, on all rules Erasmus +;
-It Is responsible for ensuring active involvement of participants in preparing the project, its implementation and dissemination of project results.
-supports Full achievement of objectives and priorities in general Erasmus + and ensure safety and security for its representatives during project implementation.
-Will Ensure visibility of the project and program level dissemination and exploitation support local community projects.
-It Is responsible for ensuring compliance with anti-discrimination measures in selecting participants.
-Ensures Training and human resource development through legal advisors, public and private art institutions, collaboration with institutions, legal and physical bodies at national and international levels to achieve quality, monitoring and evaluation system of education, training and research , development of diagnosis and prognosis studies on education, training and research related to the project for a common artistic theme to impose and develop feelings and principles;
-Susţine Training and human resource development by developing diagnosis and prognosis studies on continuous education, quality and diversity training programs and resources involved, training and development of human resources in the cultural-Artistic theme (music and dance) identifying, mobilizing and harnessing the resources necessary to support training system, initiating and organizing research studies and analysis of the training system to propose the institutions involved, strategies and policies consistent with the reality of European society and supporting processes of expression technique through promoting quality standards, ensuring sense of European citizenship of young people that help them understand their role as part of the present and future of Europe;
-Sustain Technological support, information and communications through training and human resource development to acquire skills and skills in ICT for multimedia audio-video programs and utilities (Cubase, Adobe Audition, Adobe Premiere)
-Ensures Support youth and sports through the development of analyzes, diagnosis and prognosis regarding the implementation and development of youth and sports state institutions to propose policies and strategies related to cultural and artistic development;
-Develop Cultural, religious and historical heritage by developing analyzes, diagnosis and prognosis regarding the implementation and development of cultural heritage, religious and historical state institutions to propose policies and strategies related to cultural heritage, religious and historical cultural, artistic and technical;
-Support On family, health and social protection through legal and psychological counseling to women and children victims of domestic violence, poverty, addiction of gambling etc. or advisers specialized in any field technique for life to develop employment opportunities.

In December 2020, the Euro Education Federation through the EPALE program – Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe, coordinated by the European Commission, appointed Claudiu Dumitrache, a prominent Romanian artist, writer, and cultural figure, as Ambassador of Culture. He holds full decision-making authority, as a representative of the Euro Education Federation, in the socio-cultural dialogue and collaboration between the federation and other national or international entities (e.g., governmental institutions, the European Commission, the Council of Europe, the United Nations and UNESCO, federations, foundations, associations, etc.). His ongoing mission is to develop new strategies, projects, and programs for the education of young people and adults in Romania, as well as to support and promote European Union projects related to education, youth, IT, arts, culture, citizenship, and research, providing new opportunities for cross-border educational experiences, among others.

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