lun. mart. 10th, 2025


The project will be held 22.07.19-30.07.19 in Armenia.

The timeline of the next milestones is as follows:

  • The deadline for choosing the workshop and filling in the online form: 01.05.2019

  • The deadline for selecting the participants: 15.05.2019
  • The deadline for filling in the online participant’s list : 20.05.2019

  • Travel tickets purchased and send: 20.06.2019
  • The arrival of participants to Abovyan: 22.07.2019 in the evening

Each country should select 5 participants and 1 leader for the project. 

Regarding of the requirements of the Erasmus+ YE participants should be involved in facilitating the exchange, and as far as we want to make a project a successful one and to bring the best experience of partners into the project, we have shared some workshops among the partners. Hope it will not cause a difficulty and you will have your contribution. 

The rest of the information you can find in the infopack, which is attached. 

IMPORTANT: Do not make any expenses before we will inform you additionally. 

Feel free to ask me any questions you will have during the whole process.

Thanks a lot for your cooperation!

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