lun. mart. 10th, 2025

„Makers Club for youth and Sport”, Gaza (Palestina) s-a afiliat la Federația „Euro Education”

 Makers Club for youth and Sport este al treisprezecelea partener permanent afiliat la Euro Education Federation și al șaptesprezecelea punct de lucru al federației. Este prima organizație de la sud-est deMarea Mediterană și a treia din afara granițelor României „înfrățită” cu echipa noastră. Puteți citi în limba engleză scurta prezentarea a organizației trimisă chiar de conducerea acesteia:

  Makers Club for youth and Sport non- independent NGO were established on July 2009 to respond to increased demand for safe and secured spaces for children and youth to play, dance and relax to alleviate their stress and pressure and to create alternatives for debriefing, self-identity and enhance self-esteem to eradicate domestic and other forms of conflicts/ violence in the Gaza societies/communities and promote the tolerance, justice and peace cultures among youth and children., Gaza

Achieved activities

  1. Providing psychosocial support to 600 traumatized boys and girls aged 8-14 years old adopting innovative models of Drama and Animation conducted at schools and local CBOs and Sport activities


Psychosocial support session Ali and Ibrahim 8 years old drawing


     Traumatized girls in Animation session at school


Boys playing football debriefing sessions and relaxation


         Traumatized children are dancing and conducting a play

  1. Youth platform (90 youth- 60 girls and 30 boys) for the purpose of building their capacity in social protection and demanding their right to health, education, and participation at socio-political life basically the women and girls.

1  Youth platform training in social protection issues


  Youth platform training in GBV and women’s rights


         Youth in Sport warming up in summer camp July 2016


  1. Youth Exchange Programme : 10 youth ( two girls and 8 boys ) spend 10 days in Denmark to learn about European culture.

Football team comprises of 20 child aged 14-16 years spend 10 days in Denmark

  Mulțumim membrilor Makers Club for youth and Sport pentru încrederea acordată echipei noastre, asigurându-i de sprijinul întregii federații în funcție de resursele umane și financiare de care dispunem.

Președintele Senatului General E.E.F: Cătălina Nicolin

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