mie. mart. 26th, 2025

Youth in Harmony – Niedzica, Poland / near Tatra Mountains, 18th – 26th of March 2024 – Dissemination


In Erasmus+ 2024 Youth In Harmony Project, there have been 5 countries participating in this project. Poland, the hosting country, where they welcomed us with their beautiful food and culture, Lithuania, where we danced and looked at the scenery of their country, Bulgaria, where we danced, sang along and even laughed a fair bit at their presentation, Portugal, where they presented some of their songs that they are very proud of, and finally Romania, where we showed them our diverse culture. Each one of the countries have been very welcoming as to trying each others food and learning some details about each other.

Our trip has been one of the most unique experiences me and my colleagues have ever lived. We never thought we’d spend approximately 30 hours on the road. But as it turns out, the 30 hours spent thinking about how nice it would be laying down on a bed were almost over in an instant. As most of us have slept throughout the journey and woke up stiff, the long awaited rooms have been presented to us and have totally met our expectations.

          As the leader of the romanian team of students who participated in the Erasmus+ ″Youth in harmony″ project, I can say that it was a very interesting project, I saw participants from Portugal, Poland, Bulgaria, România and Lithuania very involved in the activities, very well prepared trainers and very interesting activities. The topic it is very actual –  mindfulness, relaxation, self-awareness.

            Everything was as it should be in a project with international participants, beautiful friendships were made during the activity time or in extra free time, workshops were held in mixed teams and many tears at the end of the week when we had to return home. 
We returned home from Poland with a lot of memories, great photos and positive emotions.

               I am looking forward to the next Erasmus+ project.


Ilie Iustina Daniela

As I was first presented with the opportunity of participating in this Erasmus+ 2024 project, I couldn’t help but wonder how my experience will go. As I first arrived in Poland I was amazed by the wonderful scenery.

My first impression of the venue was a pleasant one. I liked the staff, the view from my dorm window and the atmosphere of our new house for the next week. I had great interactions with the other participants of this project and I learnt an abundance of new knowledge.

I learned a lot of new things about myself through workshops and activities led by our wonderful instructors. The nightly parties until quiet time brought all of us closer through dance and international music. Our visits to nearby cities presented us with great opportunities of discovering places that in any other context would’ve remained foreign to us. We learned how to push our limits and get out of our comfort zones through things such as hikes and long walks.

It was a wonderful experience that I would undoubtedly recreate. Nothing has brought me such joy before as this project has. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.


Dinu Iuliana Raluca Diana – X UA

In my YTH experience, I’ve developed a fair bit of uncommon skills that I will surely use in the near future. Our time there has been short but beautiful. For most of us, it has been the first time we’ve ever spoken in a foreign language for such a long time, as well as learning bits and pieces of the other 4 languages.

            At first when I arrived, I didn’t have any particular expectations of the project, so I personally didn’t know what I was getting into. I remember getting off the bus and smelling the mountain breeze. My first impressions were that it surely will be cold for the rest of the project, since when we first arrived in Nowy Targ, it was snowing. When we first got to the arranged stay, we met with our host, where she showed us our rooms for the next week. Shortly after accommodating ourselves with the rooms, we met the other teams. We were pleasantly surprised by the level of communication that they were offering.

            For the remaining week, we had workshops that involved self-improvement and self-discovery. Our workshops consisted of yoga, hiking, and many more activities.

            It was a really fun week, we had a lot of time to discover each other, but it was painful to see others go. Me personally, I recommend it full-heartedly at least participating once in an Erasmus project. Thank you for the chance to enjoy such an amazing experience.


Neacșa Rareș – XI UA

Youth In Harmony experience was interesting.

The first time I arrived in the accommodation, I stepped with emotions because I did not know what to expect. The first night we met most of us who were there.

It was interesting as an experience, we learned to communicate with each other, to understand each other regardless of the situation and to be aware that only through communication and understanding can we have a beautiful communion.

For me personally, the Youth experience was one of the best I ever lived, because it developed my cultural intellect, the will to find a way to understand myself with people and through the signs or emotions I convey


Olteanu Claudia Ștefania – XI UA

On the last day of the project, everyone was really sad that they were gonna leave and never see each other again. But, as strongly as we bonded, we kept in contact and said that if we will ever go in another Erasmus ever again, we need to meet and meet each other once more. Everyone cried, even the strongest people that were there, and we had one last good time before everyone left. I will never forget this project and all that it has taught me from the beginning. I am looking forward to the next Erasmus, thank you!

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