vin. mart. 28th, 2025

Youth unemployment in rural areas difficulties and solutions

Dear friend from  Euro Education Federation,

I represent Bulgarian youth NGO and we are urgently need for 2 Romanian participants (18 to 29 years old) for an youth exchange in Bulgaria.International youth exchange “Youth unemployment in rural areas difficulties and solutions”, KA1 Erasmus+ is for young that wants to know more about how the labor market works in the rural areas (RA) of EU, as well what is a rural area and understand the needed practical skills in finding jobs in such places.

Location: Lyaskovets, (near Veliko Tarnovo old capital) Bulgaria.
Dates are: 18 to 24  September 2018   Arrival at the hotel: 17 September 2018 Departure: 25 September 2018

All expenses are covered (travel costs to 180 euro, accommodation and food). NO TAX!

I know that the time is short, but if you have any participants that are interesting write to
I am sending you attache appl. form.

Zdravko Malchinikolov, Chairman
Association “Youth for development of Lyaskovets”
17-th St. Kurkev Str. ent. B. fr. 1, office 1


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