vin. mart. 28th, 2025

In the end, We are all HUMAN – Çanakkale, TURKEY

Project location was Çanakkale – TURKEY, date: 16-23 November 2019, age 18-26, ERASMUS+ KA1.

Nowadays the topics of discrimination, stereotyping, xenophobia and gender inequality are becoming important issues and conflicts in the European and world countries. The youth people and their opinions are playing a big role in their societies. With the giving and exchanging the right information about these topics, we would like to try to change the opinions and behaviors at the same time create campaigns that will help us to succeed our aims and reach more people.

In our project ” In the end, we are all human” we had included 7 Program countries (Romania, Poland, Slovak Republic, Czech, Lithuania, Macedonia and Turkey).

Our general aim was to exchange knowledge and experiences between 35 participants coming from 7 different European countries about the different forms of discrimination, stereotyping and gender inequality and discuss the situations in their countries and aim to find common solutions and methods how to fight against these issues.

At the same time with the project, we would like to support the internationalization, social cohesion, equity, democracy and diversity between the participants from 7 different countries and organizations coming from different areas of Europe.

This aim we planed to reach with succeeding the following objectives of the project:

  • to recognize, from personal experience, the different forms of discrimination that 35 young people coming from 7 different countries experience and reproduce in their closest environment, regardless of the origin country where they come from.
  • to discuss and find out ways using non-formal educational methods how to Identify discrimination in whatever the situation and the context in which it is presented, to reflect on the discriminatory acts that are being perpetrated against different groups in vulnerable situations from different sociocultural perspectives.
  • to promote and discuss the fundamental European values among 35 young people coming from 7 European countries, in particular, respect for human dignity, equality, respect for human rights, gender equality and anti-hate speech and highlight the connection between the topics, tolerance and non-discrimination, including young people with fewer opportunities
  • to put accent and produce a good structured written document about the institutions and mechanisms at a European and local level that intervene in case of living situations of discrimination, abuse or gender inequality that will be published and available for every NGO around Europa
  • to Strengthen the cooperation of the participating organizations, their collaboration and sharing of experiences
  • To promote Erasmus plus program, Youthpass certificate, Non-formal education and foster the mobility of young people in Europe
  • to create “love speech” online and offline campaigns during and after the mobility period at a local and international level
  • To develop personal action plans that deal with the topics of the project and try to implement it in their own community and organisations, have a chance to use their creativity, create and lead campaigns, effect on the local youth and also create plans about how to act in their communities)

The desired impact on the participants, supported by group leaders was to jointly carry out a work program designed and prepared by them before the exchange, to develop competencies; become aware of thematic areas; discover new cultures, habits and lifestyles, strengthen values like solidarity, democracy, friendship, etc.

The desired goal is to improve the well-being of the youth and prevent discrimination, xenophobia, stereotyping and gender inequality.

As a project impact, we planed to organize online campaigns #lovespeech and #intheendweareallhuman, post project workshops and informative meetings in the partner organisations’ community.

The participants all together will recorded a video like a public spotlight in 7 different languages (say no to the discrimination) as a part of the love speech campaign.

We used non-formal education through team-building exercises, presentations, reflection groups, flash mobs, debates and simulations. Our activities will consist of workshops, outdoor activities, making interviews, indoor activities, doing video records, taking photos, inter cultural evenings, as well as a flash mob campaign activity in the city center, which can involve local citizens and an online campaign. Also, we will have a short trip to visit TROY and Troy museum as 2019 and 2020 were dedicated as TROY years.

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