vin. mart. 28th, 2025

Equality and Non-Discrimination Feedback

My name is Alina, I’m a highschool Romanian language teacher and during 13 – 22 November I took part in the KA1 Erasmus+ project “Equality and Non-Discrimination”, in Bremen, Germany together with 7 students of mine. For both me and my students this was the first time taking part in this kind of project and I can honestly say that it had a great impact on us. I was very much impressed by the group of participants, by the activities and by the organisers.
As a teacher, I was very much impressed by the strong positive impact of this experience on my students. They improved their communication skills in English, they learned how to conduct group activieties, they learned how to oragnize themselves in group, they participated with much enthusiasm debates on sensitive topics, they learned how to handle their resources in a very practical way, but most importantly, they’ve been exposed to new cultures and mentalities. As one of them said and it applies to all of us: “I’ve started to think differently from the moment we arrived”.

More on group:

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